
作者:李小川    来源:环球营    2018/10/23

Young Writer's Introduction:
I am Rodrick. I am 13 years old, a 7th grader at WLSA-XZY in China.I like playing soccer.My favorite football team is Barcelona,but I like Antoine Griezmann.I also have a Instagram channel name "Rodrick_777_".In this summer,I have studied at Millfield Summer School in England for three weeks.


This summer holiday, I went to England to join a summer school called Millfield. In Millfield, there are three types of camps (It separates by your ages).I am in the second one——Street.


In the first week, I felt very uncomfortable. Because it was my first time to join a summer school in another country. Sometimes I had homesick. Luckily,I made some new friends who come from France, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Argentina. When I met some problems,they would always stand by me and sort them with me. Once, I felt sick and I forgot to bring my towel when I was having  shower. An Argentina friend went to my room andbrought my towel. Therefore, I really want to thank for their help.


Let‘s talk about our English class in the morning. In our English class,the students’ English skill is very good. One of our students has already studied all of grammar in our English book, such as past perfect, present perfect continuous, second conditional, third conditional...(actually I have already known these grammar.)


In the afternoon, we had the afternoon activities. But you had chosen them before you came here. And I chose Musical Theatre ,Taste Britain and English skill.We would have a break between afternoon activity and club time. You need to choose your own club on every Monday.


When you finished your dinner, the most exciting part would come——evening activity! Everyday the evening activity is different. For example, Monday-House Party, Tuesday-Millfield World Cup, Wednesday-DVD/Football, Thursday-House Dance, Friday-Swim Olympics.(Every week’s evening activity has different themes).


On every Wednesday and Saturday, we had field trips. For instance, I visited Stonehenge, Harry Potter house……


In this camp journey, I realized the health of our body is the most important. If you don’t have a good body, you will never have good behavior in class. If you want to be the most popular guy in the school, you must get more friends.The problem is how I can get more friends. The answer is “be more open as you can”.


This summer journey taught me a lot. I also got a lot of memories.
I love this trip.
I love Millfield.


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上一篇: 参加美国SIG夏校的学习经历

下一篇: 我第一天就融入了美国宾州传统夏令营